Triscombe UK Bike Park Winter race

Yesterday saw Triscombe’s first ever race – pinballing the South West’s finest racers down a short, fast, rooty and frozen track. Despite being just over a minute and designed to be ride-able by all abilities there was a hell of a lot that seemed to be putting riders on their arses!

Triscombe has been an underground favourite of local riders for years and thanks to the growing strength of the local scene, UK Bike Park joined forces with the locals (Duncan, Issaac and Joel Anderson for the most part) to put on the event. It was a push up race to keep costs down and was backed by Torico, the Forestry Commission, Wideopenmag, Juice Lubes, The Bicycle Chain bike shop, EDF energy and of course UK Bike Park.

After a slow start and a few issues with marshals racing got underway – timed perfectly around the time the temperature started to drop.  Cue heaps of slides, washing out and a few gnarly crashes – fortunately no injuries and lots of happy (and slightly relieved) faces at the bottom.

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The elite final came down to a battle between Lee Husinson, Duncan Ferris and Ash Mullane. Duncan was looking stupidly quick on his DMR Bolt but must have been suffering after the previous night’s racing uphill at the Red Bull Hill Chasers race up Park Street in Bristol. Second for Duncan, third for Ash and first for Lee.

Two other highlights were seeing young gun Moto rider Ty Kellet injecting some MX style into the mix and seeing Sprung/Earthed legend Alex Ranking bashing out a few runs on his battered Orange Five!

You can check out the full results here on Roots and Rain.

Thanks to everyone for a great day of racing in the South West.
