We’re racing the 2014 Mondraker Gravity Rally this weekend…


This coming weekend is the Mondraker Gravity Rally – a fun, friendly enduro event on Exmoor that’s in its 3rd year.

The ‘Rally is a fun two day event of gourmet natural trails, stunning views, plenty of beer and a mini-festival vibe.  It’s conspicuously called a ‘Rally’ as it’s not technically a ‘race’ … More of a fun, timed event with some prices for going quicker than your mates. “Fun, but also competitive” is how they’re selling it. The whole thing is organised by Spike Sports who are the team behind (amongst other things and under a slightly different name) Shred Magazine and Plymouth’s Rockets and Rascals.


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So what’s new for 2014? Well, they’ve got a new timing system for a start. The team have had a bit of stick in the past for not nailing the timing so they’ve gone and got the same system as the EWS and will be rolling it out this weekend. That should mean fast, accurate timing. The course also features a number of new stages for the event – we think we rode a few of them earlier in the year and they should be amazing. The riding in the area is fast as hell, really flowy, really natural and surprisingly gnarly at speed. There’s also a lot of big climbs!

So – look out for loads of updates on Instagram and Facebook over the weekend and wish us luck! There’s going to be some tired legs on Monday!

