What do you think of Ebikes in mountain biking?

What do YOU think of eBikes in our sport?

Let’s find out.

We haven’t transformed into an eBike fanzine. Nor are we about to flood the site with battery-boosted bobbins. But eBikes are here to stay whether either of us like it or not.

We’re tackling the subject head on and spending some time exploring the dark world of pedal assist. We’ll be riding bikes, meeting riders and asking with YOU think. Don’t be shy!

It starts tomorrow – join us from 8:15am when our full eBike video will go live.

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In the video we send elite downhill racer Olly Morris out for a ride on a Haibike nDuro and asked him to tell us what he thinks. It’s pretty interesting.

For now, tell us what YOU think:


