Freddie and Sam’s KidsRideShotgun MTB Seat Review

Freddie and Sam’s KidsRideShotgun review

The KidsRideShotgun Kids Mountain Bike Seat is, like it says on the tin, a front mounted child seat that fits full suspension and hardtail MTBs. It’s designed for kids ages 2 to 5 years old and lets your young gun sit up front and between your arms, looking down the trail.

We gave Freddy (and Sam from Pedal Progression in Bristol) a KidsRideShotgun seat to try out and let us know what they thought.

KidsRideShotgun Features:

  • Front mounted child seat for kids 2 – 5 years
  • Full rubber protection (for alloy or carbon frames)
  • Adjustable width and angle to fit all mountain bikes
  • Quick release fitting for easy installation and removal
  • Optional handlebars
  • $150USD + Shipping
  • Available online at KidsRideShotgun and in UK Bike Shops via Velobrands

So Sam, what do you think of the KidsRideShotgun seat?

It’s amazing. It’s so much fun. Freddy loves it. We’ve had some really fun rides on it. It feels really secure, like you’re basically cocooning your child. It feels like you’re super safe and the centre of gravity is really on point. It doesn’t feel like you’ve got anything rattling around in an odd place.

You’ve got to be careful, you start to pick up speed and hit some speed and you remember you’ve got your child on the bike… but other than that you can have some fun and ride pretty normally.

And how easy is it to fit?

Yeah, it’s pretty easy to fit. It doesn’t take too long. Since I’ve had the seat I’ve taken it off and put it on loads of times. Once your child isn’t on the seat you can’t really ride with it, so if you’re going to use your bike for a normal ride you have to take it off. One useful thing is that it doesn’t take too long to take on and off.

And anything that’s not so good?

Yeah, one downside we found is that my wife is shorter than me. She’s about 5ft3 and our son is just over 2, he’s average height for his age. Because she’s shorter than me, Freddie’s head is banging her in the chin. I’m guessing they’ve got a height recommendation but we found that it best suits me, I’m quite tall.

Note: There’s a decent FAQ on the KidsRideShotgun website here that talks about suggested sizing and who the seat will or won’t fit. 

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What about the quality of the construction?

Yeah, it’s really high quality actually. You can tell the design has been really well thought out. I don’t think I’d improve anything. It’s mint, really well recommended.

Freddie, what do you think of it? Is it fun?

Yes, it is fun!

What did our test pilots think?

Easy to fit, great quality and both of them loved riding with it. The design gives a feeling of safety and security and let’s them ride ‘proper’ stuff together. They found a bit of an issue with rider height but the KRS website can help work out if it’ll fit you and your kid.

We love:

  • Feels safe and secure
  • Great fun for kids and grown ups
  • Quality construction that’s easy to fit

Could do better:

  • Won’t necessarily fit all riders or bikes, check online before you buy

You can learn more about KidsRideShotgun over at their website at



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