Wise Words | Bry Watt.

Wise Words is our interview series talking to some of mountain biking’s most switched on people.

We’ll ask our short list of questions to a heap of influential, inspiring and outspoken people that we feel are driving the direction of mountain biking today. Some will make you think, some will make you laugh, some will be plain dumb, some will inspire you to better yourself and your riding. We hope!

Wise Words this week comes to you via the medium of Bry Watt.

Bry Watt is a man who lets the riding, or the driving, do the talking. The softly-spoken Scot is a man with an unrivalled knowledge of the French riviera, especially when it comes to Sospel and how to link the trails with shuttles. Not shy about getting tools in the dirt either. A grafter.

Photos by Sven Martin.

How would your closest riding buddies describe you to someone who has never met you?

Grumpy, sarcastic, fat twat. Doesn’t say much but when he does he absolutely slays. Loves natural trails completely full of big loose rocks.

What thing or things have you bought in the last year that had the biggest effect on your life as a mountain biker / cyclist / person that works in the bike industry?

Continental tyres for sure. Grip is mind bendingly awesome. I live in Sospel in the South East corner of France where some popular brands would be completely dead after a days riding here. However, the Continental’s wear is seriously impressive. Which doesn’t make sense with the grip you get but…

Oh and Decathlon merino boxers. I’m a gooch-basher so I don’t wear chamois or use chamois cream, these are the best I’ve found so far and the usual good value from Decathlon.

What unusual habits do you have as a bike rider?

Well I smoke ( I know, I know it’s not big or clever) so I always have to have a smoke once at the top of each climb before dropping into the trail. 

What piece of advice do you think every mountain bike rider should hear? And what piece should they ignore?

You’re just riding a bike and being a kid again, stop taking it so damn serious. 

Ignore: Skids are for kids

If you could go back and re-ride one day from your life so far, where/what/when/who would it be? Would you change anything?

Not one day but back in summer 2016 I was with Ash on a month long scouting trip around Briançon and Plons joined us for a long weekend or  so. Sadly Plons passed away almost three years ago now. He was such a rad, funny guy and always so supportive of us and our visions for mountain biking. So yeah, to be back there riding and all the endless banter with him and Ash again on that trip would be awesome. I would change nothing of that time, only that I wish Plons was still with us today. 

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What have you wasted the most time on in your life as a rider or bike industry career that you wished you’d given up years ago?


I was always looking to that time of day when I/we would get on the beers after a ride. Now that I’ve stopped drinking I’m in no hurry for the ride to be over and I now enjoy the ride, the adventure and the moment even more than I used to. 

How do you motivate yourself when you’re struggling or lacking inspiration?

I look at maps. 

I’m always studying maps but they definitely inspire me to go out and try new trails or try to link trails together in different ways.  

What single and specific thing about riding bicycles do you gain the most happiness from?

Riding a trail for the first time, especially when I’ve been looking at it on a map for a while. Whether it’s an amazing trail or an utterly shite one I don’t care. Nothing beats the feeling of riding into the unknown and a first descent for me. 

What single thing would you like to erase from cycling history from the last year?

Whatever the f*ck it is that has happened to enduro racing at world level.

What single thing would you like to make happen in the cycling world in the next year?

For enduro racing at world level to be in the place it deserves. 

Chris, I’m currently unemployed and looking for a job, so give me a call if you want…

Who else should we ask these questions to?

My Stone King Rally sweeping partner, Tom Hill.

You can keep tabs on Bry’s adventures on his Instagram feed here.

You can catch all our previous Wise Words interviews with the likes of Sven Martin, Manon Carpenter, Ric McLaughlin and plenty more here.
