Day 3 update from Espanol

thumb-5871Well Milky has gone to bed after being up all night showing the Spanish ladies a thing or two, disappearing from the face of the Earth to get a pizza (although I wasn’t aware of any pizza establishments that were open at 6am this morning) and so I thought I’d update you on what has been “going down” today in DHSpain HQ in Malaga.

Nothing interesting to say really apart from we got back at about 9 this morning and slept in until 2. Harry “Baz” Heath was crashed out until at least 5 and then secided to go for an epic run into town to burn off all that Spanish beer he had last night. Tom “Meat” Deacon only resurfaced about 10 minutes ago after being slightly worse for wear. Main man Rob didn’t look like he’d left the house all night this morning although he must have been in quite a state judging by the middle aged Glaswegian woman he was attempting to pull last night.

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The plan was to go and do a bit of filming this evening but that went out the window because no one cane walk straight so we’ve had to resort to watching “White Girls” on the box. Everyone is up early in the morning though as we have a full day planned tomorrow of media madness for Wideopen and FOFO2 so keep your eyes peeled right here.

One of the Spanish “babes”:

