Throw Back Thursday: Chainspotting

If you were a  youngish mountain biker in the UK in the late 90’s you probably wore cargo pants, had a chain on your wallet and refused to leave the house without a trucker cap, an Animal watch, a weird metal beaded necklace and some Oakley warp around shades. Bleached blonde hair was ideal too. I think the idea was to look as as much like Dexter Holland from The Offspring as possible.

Your ‘jump bike’ was your XC hardtail with a Club Roost riser bar, an enormous Tioga saddle and some Wellgo Beartrap pedals. FiveTens didn’t exist, you wore Vans. Disc brakes? Nah mate, Maguras please!

Say what you like about MBUK … but for a young gun of that era ChainSpotting was THE video of the moment. It was stylish, it was funny, the music was full of indie-pop anthems and the riding was really progressive. There was this weird stripper trippy scene … but we can just about forgive that one.

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Back then the norm was lycra clad cross countrying and the MBUK boys were pioneering a movement of baggy kit, flat pedals, jumps, drops and trials. Yep, even trails was cool back then.

Thanks Rob Warner, the two Martins, Jamie Hibbard, Steve Geal, Steve Peat, Will Longden and crew!

Chain Spotting – we salute you!
