My Desk: Five Ten’s Joe Bowman

Our mate Joe just had a great idea. Why not ask a few of our bros in the industry to shoot us a picture of their desk?

It could be a sneak peak, behind the scenes, point of view, fly on the wall spot light into the day to day life of the bike industry.  OR – it might just be a load of photos of people’s messy crap covered desks. Let’s find out eh?

As it was his idea, Joe gets to go first.

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Who are you? I’m Joe Bowman, 20 from Sheffield
What’s your job? I work for Bigstone. We’re a distributor and I’m a rep specifically for the Five Ten bike market
Where’s your desk? It’s in the center of Sheffield at Big Stone HQ
And what’s on your desk? I’ve got…. a de-capitated Five Ten Hellcat, some ski pants, a few bike mags, half eaten sarny, broken sd card, laptop and some smelly returns mmm!

Wideopen says: Nice desk. Loving the clean white surface and Mac for pissing about online. The brown leather sofa is also super classy.  Massive box of tissues eh? Must be a pretty exciting job…

What do you think of the new feature? An exciting and unmissable look at the bike industry? Or just a load of crap on people’s desks?! Tell us in the comments!
