Harthill Adventure Park will play host the opening round of the 2021 100% Mini DH on Sunday 16th May.
Fancy a taste of racing or just an excuse to get back between the tape? Then get stuck into the 100% Mini DH series at Harthill on Sunday 16th May.
Event Program
Practice 9.00am – 11.00am
Race Starts (2 x runs weather and light permitting) 11.00am – 3.30pm
Prize Presentations 4.00pmRace categories – No license required to race
- Rippers Age 8 to 9
- Rippers Age 10-12
- Juvenile Age 13-14
- Youth – Age 15-16
- Junior – Age 17-18
- Senior – Age 19-29
- Master – Age 30-39
- Veteran – Age 40-49
- Grand Veteran age 50+
- Female Mini Rippers Age 8-9
- Female Rippers Age 10-12
- Female Juvenile Age 13-14
- Female – Youth Age 15-16
- Female Junior Age 17-18
- Female – Senior 19-29
- Female Master 30-39
- Female Veteran 40-49
- Female Grd Veteran 50+
- Pro Am
- Hardtail
Sorry No E-bikes British Cycling Rules
You can collect your number board on Sunday morning, 8.15am to 10.00am
You must sign on and collect your number board before 10am on Sunday. Full Face Helmets must be worn and done up for practice & racing on the track.
Race Schedule
Saturday – Harthill Adventure is open as normal and you must follow the local rules & fees.
The course will be marked out on Saturday.
Saturday is not part of the event so there are no marshals or medics on the track. You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing during Saturday.
Race day with official Practice and race with Marshals & Medics on the race track.
Sunday – Race Day
Registration 8.30am to 10.30am You must sign on and register before riding the track.
Entry procedure, distribution of identification numbers: The race is pre-entry only, though if spaces remain, we will accept very limited entries on the day. Enter via the British Cycling website.
You do not need a race licence.
Race Regulations
The event will run under BC Regulations and Penalties.
Please make sure you aware of the rules. A course inspection will performed before the start of practice with the Chief BC Commissaire and any recommendations will be implemented.
The course will be covered by marshals. They will have red and yellow flags, radio communications and be briefed each morning.
Mini Downhill rules incorporate those laid out in the current BC and UCI handbook.
We recommend that all riders and especially Juvenile and Youth age riders must wear the following body armour: Full Spine Elbow pads Knee pads.
Behaviour. Anti-social behaviour, vandalism, riding mini-bikes, motorbikes, driving recklessly at the event (Disqualified). Acts of violence, intimidation or vandalism will receive a lifetime ban. Under suspicion of theft, the police will be called and you will be detained until their arrival
Race Timing. Race Timing will be carried out by Action Sports Timing.
Results will be posted in the main arena on completion of each event and online by Monday 12:00 after the event.
Medical. Medical Cover will be provided, both on course and from an identifiable Base Station in the event arena.
Illegal Drugs Policy. We run a zero tolerance policy on illegal drugs. If we suspect you are in possession of or using illegal drugs we will ask you to leave the venue and the Police may well be called.
Camping. No Camping will be available onsite.
PA System. A full Public Announcement Facility will be on site with announcements throughout the day.
A Notice Board will also be on display in the Race Office/Rider Registration area for displaying information regarding the event.
Catering. There is an onsite café providing fresh hot and cold drinks and food
Toilets & Showers. Please respect these toilets and showers.
Parking – Important Info. Please park in tidy fashion and leave gaps between cars.