Wise Words | Ale di Lullo.

Wise Words is our interview series talking to some of mountain biking’s most switched on people.

We’ll ask our short list of questions to a heap of influential, inspiring and outspoken people that we feel are driving the direction of mountain biking today. Some will make you think, some will make you laugh, some will be plain dumb, some will inspire you to better yourself and your riding. We hope!

Wise Words this week comes to you from none other than Ale di Lullo.

If it’s got two wheels and exists on planet Earth, Ale di Lullo has likely taken a spectacular photo of it. Deep Summer and Red Bull Illume winner, Rampage and freeride stalwart, handy on a bike and a man who splits his time between his native Lake Garda and the Golden State.

How would your closest riding buddies describe you to someone who has never met you?

I wish something like, a funny looking easy-going dude that doesn’t complain much along the ride and that you never have to wait too much for… Oh, and he can also take decent photos.

What thing or things have you bought in the last year that had the biggest effect on your life as a mountain biker / cyclist / person that works in the bike industry?

I bought time out of racing photography. After 19 years of racing, everything aligned in the bad and in the good for me to step back and go into the unknown again. So far so good since I finally had time to say yes to projects that I really like to do.

Still have the passion for racing but racing photography has become to me just like wedding photography. You have to take those shots, from the bike check to the podium going through the same old iconic spots in the same old iconic venue.. and all the photographers end up with the same shots.

What unusual habits do you have as a bike rider?

I love to be last in the group. I hate to have someone on my back but I love to try to keep up with faster riders… with mixed results…

What piece of advice do you think every mountain bike rider should hear? And what piece should they ignore?

Mountain bikers should respect the nature simply because it’s our playground. It breaks my heart to see empty energy shots along the trail. Or especially after amateur race where everyone feels entitled to just throw their garbage on the trail… why is that? For the sake of performance?

That ‘Freeride is dead’ idea… well, ignore that.

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If you could go back and re-ride one day from your life so far, where/what/when/who would it be? Would you change anything?

I’d probably pick the 2010 Squamish/Britannia Beach heli drop day with my good buddies Wade Simmons, Brett Tippie and Richie Schley. It was special cause it was my first time heli biking in BC and because as a fanboy, that was a dream come true… Wade, Richie and Tippie all together. Oh and the riding was epic too. Tech, loamers , singletrack, steeps, roots, rock slabs, the whole deal, big adventure. I think it took 13 hours from the heli taking off to when we made it down to the Mexican restaurant after dark.

What have you wasted the most time on in your life as a rider or bike industry career that you wished you’d given up years ago?

Social media. I probably still spend 10/15 minutes per day, but no time is more wasted than that.

How do you motivate yourself when you’re struggling or lacking inspiration?

I think to the next adventure with Brage or Tippie and try to be always prepared for it.

What single and specific thing about riding bicycles do you gain the most happiness from?

Riding an alpine natural trail for the first time. Nothing can beat that.

What single thing would you like to erase from cycling history from the last year?

Gravel influencers?

What single thing would you like to make happen in the cycling world in the next year?

Quality media products and outlets

Who else should we ask these questions to?

Brett Tippie.

You can keep tabs on Ale’s adventures on his Instagram feed here.

You can catch all our previous Wise Words interviews with the likes of Sven Martin, Manon Carpenter, Ric McLaughlin and plenty more here.
